Turning the Clock To OCT 2010

Turning the clock back 12 months to Oct 2010 what had life dished up health wise that is.. Well the weight had always been a bit of a problem, but its one of those things you turn a blind eye to or in this case two blind eyes to.

But what did I want from life?

I guess it got to the point that what had I really done on all the things I wanted to do? Could it be possible that I would just keep drifting through life and not living it? Would I live a quality life health wise if I didn't do something?

The cholesterol had always been a bit of a problem or more to the point a major problem 6.5 upwards to 8 and more ... and didn't the doctor kept telling me. I think I got to the point where I got sick of going to the doctor as I always felt worse after being there... he bitched that much ... about this and that.

A few years earlier the doctor did get me to take some of those cholesterol tablets .lipitor or lipadil one of those well I had some major drama with those .. within a couple of weeks the memory loss I had was major. First off in a few days the simple things like phone numbers , house numbers addresses, then names , I was forgetting names of people I had known for years and had contact with most days... i luckily realised something was wrong , so after going back to the doctor going to have a MRI scan on my head, of course I threw those tablets to the s#1t hous. the doctor sent me to see a specialist for my brain , guess that was to see if there was anything there .. well armed with the scans that I had researched well before seeing the specialist. I had a fair few questions for the doctor, at this point I thought yep he'll know all about this and what it all means ... how wrong was I .. someone that's a specialist surely with all those years or training and experience will know everything they is to know?  besides a lot of um's and arr's there really wasn't anything he could answer for me.. oh well there goes my confidence that the doctors knew anything about that was going on inside my head.

Over a period of about 18months my memory did return ..but there was never going to be a chance of me going back on that cholesterol tablets ... ever !

What was I going to do ? No magic pills to pop .. high cholesterol.. over weight.. under achieved ... why was life so hard .. ? Well the weight was hitting the scales now around the 120kg and there didn't seem a way to get it down.

 What the hell was I going to do?

The only change to my life was going to be made would have to come from me. No one else was going to do it for me. There wasn't any miracle pill that I could pop to fix everything up. There was nothing there was only me.


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