The Change .. The Challenge

Well after years of having so many false hopes and starts on losing the extra kilos. what needed to change for me to make a fair dinkum start ?

There really was only one thing that had to happen and that had to come from me ... It weren't going to come from anywhere else.

Now I'd already been going to the gym for a couple of years trying to make a start at it but really thought I'd turn up and exercise and the weight would just fall off right ?  Oh how wrong was that ... there was no way it was going to just happen.

Now it just so happens the gym was have a weight loss challenge starting in Oct 2010,,  60 days it goes for 8 weeks ... they had other challenges over the years but they had always been in winter time and I'd just never made the commitment to do them..

But this time was different ..I had changed ..there was some sorta change come over me this was it ... I had set my mind on it .. there was nothing that was going to stop me ...this was something I was doing for myself ... no one was making me ..this was all me this time.. !!!!

Now the gym had a night at the local club with nutritionists, psychologists, and other fitness people , just explaining the things you'll go through like the cravings the struggles and other feeling that will happen when going through  the challenge the way you should set goals like weekly, monthly , and longer term .... must say I did learnt a heap that night.

I made sure I got myself a Polar watch so I could record all my training sessions so I knew Heart rate cals and it all recorded so I could see how i was going .They also gave us a Calorie King pocket diary to record all the stuff we were eating .. man didn't that open my eyes up to the junk I was eating ... I was eating about 2500 - 3000 cal a day no wonder I couldn't lose weight...

My trainer for my weekly personal training session was Sam or as I labeled him Super Sam. The gym had so many people doing the WLC that they had to pair us up for the PT sessions.

Now I think this worked out well, they team me up with a young fellow called Craig now I didn't know Craig before the challenge but got to know him through the challenge quiet well. Craig was a bit younger then me well probably a lot younger( I thing may be 17 -18 yrs younger  ) but any way he was a bit bigger then me and man was he quick at everything .. where i was in there pacing along at everything ....

Super Sam named us the Young Bull and the Old Bull .. me being the old Bull of course .

And didnt I feel it some times ..... 


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