The Challenge Begins

Well the WLC begins ,I remember this quiet clearly at weigh in on the saturday the first day Id hit the scales at 115 .4 kgs Id already got down from about 120kgs leading up to the challenge,

I'd set myself a goal of losing 20kgs in the challenge... now this weren't any goal....  this was going to happen !!!

Our PT sessions were 8pm tues nights with Sam so Id already had a couple of sessions down the gym on my own before this and was feeling kinda sore already ... but this was nothing to what I was to experience for the rest of the wlc.
First up with Sam it was the tread mill well after about 2 mins I was stuff ,, I was fairdinkum in the worst shape of my life well Sam smashed us for the hour. I was so sore and hurting the next day and that night but when i got home from work the next day I dragged myself down the gym ... because I set myself goals to make ... well it was like this the next 8 weeks , there were days Id get home and crash on the lounge only to drag myself off it to get to the gym ...something inside me was driving me on  .... in days gone by I would of just give up ... not now but .

At the end of the first week calories burnt 1700 ... yep 1700 in a week .. I was diffidently in the worst shape of my life. Sunday was a rest day and let me tell you my body needed it.... but my body needed the exercise more then the rest. 

8weeks 20kgs  that was the goal ... now as the weeks rolled by the pain never went away I just kept pushing to the limit I could go to, I think I only had one bad night training that I couldn't get to where I wanted to get to and i was so disappointed in myself at that .... I was filthy on myself  that day. but I moved on from that.
And  worked extra hard to make up for it the next few.

As the weeks rolled on I was getting fitter and losing weight, get faster, stronger, quicker ... I was enjoying the torture .
Now looking at the Diary at the end of 4 weeks  the half way mark the weight loss was 9kg not bad 2.25 per week, but not what I wanted to be if I wanted my goal of 20kg .... I needed to work harder

I had 11kg to lose in the next 4 weeks ,, where there's the will there's a way

Well almost 3 weeks have passed coming up to the end of the wlc ... the gym had a adventure day over the the Wanda Beach sand dunes ... never been there before but any way went along .. man their are some big sand dunes there and heaps of people training the West Tigers rugby League team were there training.
So we hit the dunes geez now that was hard work well about 2,1/2 hours later I was stuffed don't think I had worked as hard in the challenge ever !!!

Remember 1700cal first week total ..... well now I done 2100 in just this training session  and was now burning about 6000 to 7000 in training per week now there was only 1 week to go..

Was I going to meet my goal 20 kg??? 

I trained as hard as i could train weigh in was the Friday up until close of the gym by the time Friday came I was stuffed decided I would go down the swimming pool have a spa sauna then go weigh in , so went down after the pool jumped on the scales
Jumped on the scales weight loss came up 19.4 kg ..... no I hadn't made my goal no no no .... the girl behind the counter asked if I wanted to weigh in .. I said no I be back ... i went back home everyone asked how much I had lost said I hadn't weight in and was going to train some more ... I don't know were i found the energy because I was stuffed ...but I had set the goal 20kg
What was I going to do.....I grabbed a garbage bag whacked that on run down the local field and started running sprints ... this last for an hour the sweat was pouring off me ,but I was stuffed got back home jumped in the shower still feel the sweat pouring off me. got changed and went back down the gym.

Had no idea even if i had lost any more weight or what? , but anyway jumped on the scales now this was going to be it.... I had no more left in me to give , this was it

Scales ticked over my weight loss 20.7kgs ..... WOOO !!!!

Made my goal was over the moon... the feeling was unbelievable achieved something I started out to do !!!

Geez I felt good...


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