The Beginning

Well this is the start of it ....its strange when you get to a point or points in life where you put your life under the microscope and see if you , I guess achieved or have got out of life what you need or require. Looking back and seeing it was either the opportunity wasn't there or you didn't know it was there to take.. Sometimes you just get to the stage you need something extra out of life... working out what it is, well I'm going to make that the fun part.
So what is it? what is it im looking for ? Physical, mental, spiritual, other ? ...Now that's a good question, or maybe it a combination of all and more.  

Looking but it could probably say growing up and knowing what options there were as far as education , and studying you could say were limited.   I do remember my careers advice well " if you don't go and get a job you'll be going back to school" that just about summed up my career advice at the time ... that was in year 10 . ... So I went and found a job .... and that starts the next chapter. 


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