
Showing posts from October, 2011

The Challenge Begins

Well the WLC begins ,I remember this quiet clearly at weigh in on the saturday the first day Id hit the scales at 115 .4 kgs Id already got down from about 120kgs leading up to the challenge, I'd set myself a goal of losing 20kgs in the challenge... now this weren't any goal....  this was going to happen !!! Our PT sessions were 8pm tues nights with Sam so Id already had a couple of sessions down the gym on my own before this and was feeling kinda sore already ... but this was nothing to what I was to experience for the rest of the wlc. First up with Sam it was the tread mill well after about 2 mins I was stuff ,, I was fairdinkum in the worst shape of my life well Sam smashed us for the hour. I was so sore and hurting the next day and that night but when i got home from work the next day I dragged myself down the gym ... because I set myself goals to make ... well it was like this the next 8 weeks , there were days Id get home and crash on the lounge only to drag myself o...

The Change .. The Challenge

Well after years of having so many false hopes and starts on losing the extra kilos. what needed to change for me to make a fair dinkum start ? There really was only one thing that had to happen and that had to come from me ... It weren't going to come from anywhere else. Now I'd already been going to the gym for a couple of years trying to make a start at it but really thought I'd turn up and exercise and the weight would just fall off right ?  Oh how wrong was that ... there was no way it was going to just happen. Now it just so happens the gym was have a weight loss challenge starting in Oct 2010,,  60 days it goes for 8 weeks ... they had other challenges over the years but they had always been in winter time and I'd just never made the commitment to do them.. But this time was different ..I had changed ..there was some sorta change come over me this was it ... I had set my mind on it .. there was nothing that was going to stop me ...this was something I was...

Turning the Clock To OCT 2010

Turning the clock back 12 months to Oct 2010 what had life dished up health wise that is.. Well the weight had always been a bit of a problem, but its one of those things you turn a blind eye to or in this case two blind eyes to. But what did I want from life? I guess it got to the point that what had I really done on all the things I wanted to do? Could it be possible that I would just keep drifting through life and not living it? Would I live a quality life health wise if I didn't do something? The cholesterol had always been a bit of a problem or more to the point a major problem 6.5 upwards to 8 and more ... and didn't the doctor kept telling me. I think I got to the point where I got sick of going to the doctor as I always felt worse after being there... he bitched that much ... about this and that. A few years earlier the doctor did get me to take some of those cholesterol tablets .lipitor or lipadil one of those well I had some major drama with those .. within a ...

The Beginning

Well this is the start of it ....its strange when you get to a point or points in life where you put your life under the microscope and see if you , I guess achieved or have got out of life what you need or require. Looking back and seeing it was either the opportunity wasn't there or you didn't know it was there to take.. Sometimes you just get to the stage you need something extra out of life... working out what it is, well I'm going to make that the fun part. So what is it? what is it im looking for ? Physical, mental, spiritual, other ? ...Now that's a good question, or maybe it a combination of all and more.   Looking but it could probably say growing up and knowing what options there were as far as education , and studying you could say were limited.   I do remember my careers advice well " if you don't go and get a job you'll be going back to school" that just about summed up my career advice at the time ... that was in year 10 . ... So I wen...