Adoption My Story

 The Story begins  

My story started I guess when I was about 4-5 years old, when my adopted parents had told me I was adopted. I would say as I grew a bit older probably around the 8yrs old I would think every night, why what, where, how did happen this me. Did I have a birth mother, was she still alive? and a million different questions and scenarios played out in my mind every night. My story only got more interesting as I grew older and questions and answers more intriguing to say the least.

When I got married and we had kids when my first daughter was born, she was the first person I was truly related to and to say this was overwhelming is an understatement, but this switched something on in me to find my birth mother and answer all those questions and scenarios Now this was the late 80s and internet, what was that? Lol It was many trips to the state library requests to Births Deaths Marriages etc. One request to Births Deaths Marriages took 3 years to hear back from them. But this was a vital clue and allowed my search to continue. My search was at the 6-year point by now, and always in your mind hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. With this information more library trips finally the information where I could write a letter, yes the old fashion type with a stamp. Would it find her? would she even be alive, has she ever told anyone, does she have other children or does she even want any contact? etc etc. 

So off goes a letter into the unknown, I even took holidays from work at the time there was a lot going on in my head a culmination of years of questions and scenarios. Were they going to finally get an answer? Or just more questions? So, what happened? Well, it was a Friday afternoon 4pm 26th November 1994 I remember this day like it was this very moment now. Sitting in the back room the phones next to me, the phone rings I answer it. A lady on the phone says “Hello is this John” I’ve said “Yes, it is” and said “Are you the person I’m looking for?” Response “YES” this is me talking to my Birthmother for the very first time, the significant moment it’s also my 29th Birthday. 

29 Years to the day that I was given up for Adoption I have contact with my Birth Mother.

And this is only the beginning.


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