The Family Project - The First Fleet Connection - Mary Turner / Wilks & David Batty 3rd Fleet 1791


Mary Turner was around 19 years of age when convicted of stealing at Worcestershire on 5 March 1785 and sentenced to 7 years transportation. She was sent on the ship “Lady Penrhyn” and in February 1787 the ships of the first fleet sailed to establish a penal colony in NSW.

On 20 January 1788 the last of the eleven ships of the First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay. Captain Arthur Phillip's search for a more suitable site led him to Port Jackson. The rest of the fleet sailed into Sydney Harbour on 26 January 1788.

Mary was sent to Norfolk Island in 1790 on "Sirius" and returned to Port Jackson in 1793 on "Kitty" it was believed she had one son on Norfolk Island John who didn’t survive

She had a relationship with David BATTY in 1794 at Sydney and they had 4 children, they were David 15/03/1794, Richard 28/8/1797-12/6/1799, Ann 2/2/1800, and Thomas 13/9/1802-17/10/1870

Mary`s last name was it Turner? And was Wilks a alias?

Mary was convicted under the name Mary Turner and buried as Mary Wilks

Old Sydney Burial Ground: Mary Wilks is recorded as buried in the Old Sydney Burial Ground 21 Jan 1808 as is her infant son Richard Batty buried 12 June 1799 and her common law husband David Batty 3 Dec 1818 age 56.

So, what was it and will we ever know exactly? Were her Parents William Turner and Betty Ferret? or more recently it has surfaced Richard Wilks and Ann Foster could be her parents?

I guess we will keep working on that  

Old Sydney Burial Ground

Old Sydney Burial Ground which is located where the current Sydney Town Hall stands was Sydney's first permanent cemetery. It was located near the current corner of George Street and Druitt Street. The burial ground was originally established in September 1792. Since its closure in 1820 the site has undergone a number of alterations. 

Old Sydney Burial Ground 

Mary  and David were My 5th Great Grand Parents

                                Lady Penhyn 


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