The Search for Aunt Polly


Who was Aunt Polly?

Joseph Wright was adopted out in 1928. The thing about it was the story goes the Les and Anne Wright had a biological daughter Iris and had adopted a girl Joan unfortunately she passed away at 12 months old. 

They had gone to an orphanage to adopt another baby girl. There was a lady there in the waiting room with a baby and this lady begged them to take her baby. That baby was Joseph. 

The Wrights at the time lived in Carlton Victoria and had property at Kinglake Victoria which they visited many times and on different occasions there are photos of "Aunt Polly" with Joseph there and other places on special occasions like birthdays and times when Joseph was away at College at Kilmore Victoria.  

Aunt Polly with Joseph Anne Wright holding a baby and Iris at Kinglake 

Aunt Polly with Iris and Joseph on bike 

As Joseph got older he was sent to Assumption College at Kilmore Victoria which is an private boarding school. Who would of paid for Josephs education? Could of Aunt Polly paid for this? 

Joseph at Assumption College Kilmore

Aunt Polly visiting Joseph at Assumption College 

Aunt Polly and Joseph Port Melbourne 1936 

Aunt Polly who was she? Is she Josephs mother? 

That is likely and finding the link between Aunt Polly and Joseph is on my list of projects. 
So if Polly is his mother who was Josephs father? 

This I`ve had a help through DNA with a mountain of matches back the Charles and Ellen Mary TUCK 

Working back through my DNA matches and family trees and information that has come to light recently and that search has certainly narrowed down to a couple of possiblities in the Tuck Brothers.


The Search Continues for Aunt Polly   


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