The Worlds Ordinary People

Whats the current happens in the world?  Most countries in Europe are fighting financial crisis, and even some of the other financial power houses of the last 4 or 5 decades are struggling.  Leaders have been overthrown in others , maybe not leaders but more to the point dictators overthrown by people power. 

So what part do the ordinary people play in this ? I think that governments every where will realise over the next maybe 2 , 3, 4 decades that it is the ordinary people that will have the power and not governments.

Why could this be so ? 

Well I believe what governments were able to control for such a long time was the supply of information to the people. They always had some sort of control on it, or censorship they could always filter, limit, control what people seen, heard, or had access to. But all this has been changing faster then governments could adapt.

The age of new technologies is on us the use of the internet , the ever increasing social medias, and technologies,, people right across the globe can now have access to instant information, unfiltered, uncontrolled , un-doctored  by governments.

Children now are growing up within this new age, its the norm now just look at any 5 year old and how they adapt to in technology,

Governments everywhere will start reacting to this with more laws more harsh penalties to control the  supply of information to the people.     

Here in Australia the federal government is building the National Broadband Network, the NBN their going to run fiber to every house all information will go through this,, it will be great wont it ? or will it ?

The thing about the NBN the government will be able to flick a switch and we have information blackout ... censorship totally controlled by the Government. Maybe Im dreaming , but maybe its possible to. 

So the ordinary people of the world ?

Change is going to happen there are going to be more trying times ahead for the people of the world before it gets better more, Recessions, GFCs and Governments overthrown

But lets just hope the world becomes a better place for all the Ordinary People ..


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